Amber Auer
My name is Amber Auer. I live in a small town located in Central Illinois. I'm married with 3 children. 1 son and 2 daughters. I love all things Disney and Walt Disney World is my favorite place to vacation. I am constantly reading and researching everything connected to Disney. My obsession is rubbing off on my son. He loves watching videos to learn more. In fact he did a school project where he dressed as Walt. I love helping people plan their Disney Destination trips. I get just as excited about their trips as I do my own. I feel very lucky to have turned something I love into a career. It truly never feels like work. I have dreamed of becoming a travel agent specializing in Disney Destinations since I went on my first Disney trip several years ago and discovered that there are people out there helping others plan their magical vacations.
When I finally took the step to become an agent I was nervous but my husband was there telling me he was proud of me for taking the leap and he knew how passionate about it. I look forward to helping families plan their Disney trip.