Just like "famous explorer" Charles Muntz said in the movie Up, "Adventure is out there." ....and when that adventure comes calling, what better company to experience it with than Adventures by Disney?
Recently our agent, Denise Marchese, was able to experience some of that excitement. She packed her bags and headed out to celebrate her anniversary with her husband on an Adventures by Disney- Arizona and Utah escape. Check out what Denise experienced below!
After a bit of "should we or shouldn’t we", my husband and I decided to take our first Adventures by Disney trip. (You read that right, our first!) Since we’ve always talked about the beauty of our country that we had not yet experienced, Arizona and Utah was the choice for us.

Before Departure:
I spoke many times over the 14 months of our vacation planning with our Vacationista, an Adventures by Disney representative, who answered questions and commiserated with us regarding our rescheduling (due to the pandemic the year before). About 6 weeks prior to departure we received a package that held all sorts of gifts.... a backpack, duffle bag, luggage tags and suitcase straps. For our personal health, we also each received a canvas pouch containing 3 Adventures by Disney-approved masks to wear on the motorcoach. We did not need to be vaccinated before the trip, instead we just needed to test for COVID a max of 5 days prior to vacation. After our test, we were directed to add our results to a special website (instructions were all emailed in advance). It was a very easy process. We were also sent an online Adventure Handbook to be downloaded to our phones with more details. This included information like: Know Before You Go, Travel Tips, Arrival, Itinerary and Practical Information. This handbook answered many questions a guest may have.

The Adventure:
Even with all of the information that we had been given and read about before our trip, the resorts, sights to be seen and experiences to be had, paled in comparison to the reality of it all. The sunsets in Sedona, the “Big Reveal” at the Grand Canyon, Sunrise over Monument Valley and hiking to the Arches, were spectacular sites. But the enjoyment of the motorcoach rides, the excursions at each stop, group dinners, local entertainers.… it was all so very special, mostly because of the two Adventure Guides, Tiffany and Kira. They made everyone feel as if they were special at some point in the trip. With their stories of the area and personal tales, it was a magical experience. Another great thing about Disney's Adventure Guides is that they constantly took pictures and video during the entire week's getaway for those traveling in our group. The group was only adults, so there was a lot of easy conversation among us. Laughter was plenty and got more so as the days went on. The bond becoming stronger. We felt like one big family!

The Resorts:
Adventures by Disney prides itself on great choices of resorts. We were wowed by the Enchantment Resort, our first two nights, in Sedona, AZ. The views were spectacular and the restaurants were very good. We stayed in a hotel on the rim of the Grand Canyon, which was the reason for the choice of those lodgings. The view was amazing. Goulding's Lodge at Monument Valley was very nice, also, and our last two nights were at the Red Cliffs Lodge near the Colorado River. This was another fantastic resort with good food, trail rides, and a Western Movie Museum located in the resort.
The End:
The last night of our trip was a Cowboy dinner of grilled steaks in an outdoor setting. We were entertained by a guitar-playing cowboy who took requests. Our guides got in on the fun and dressed in their best western gear. After dinner, we sat around an enormous fire for s’mores and more music. We then had one more surprise. We were ushered into a movie room at the resort for our Adventure Farewell. Arriving at the end of our Adventure was a bit sad, but so special because we made great friends. Our guides put together a montage of our trip, with all of our new friends and fun that we had over the past week. They must have stayed up all night to accomplish this feat. We will always have our memories, as well as the photos and videos to remember our Adventures by Disney in Arizona and Utah.
What’s Next:
As I said at the beginning, this was the first of our trips taken with Adventures by Disney. The scenery was fantastic but the attention to detail in each and every minute of our days was beyond our wildest expectations. Adventure is Out There! Take advantage of the best-planned vacations that you and your family could ever dream of.

Ready to experience your own one-of-a-kind adventure? Contact your MMV agent today and request a quote!